Speedy Break-wiches

While you don’t have to get fancy in the morning, you can get a balanced source of fuel by mixing and matching ingredients below to make your own “Speedy Break-wiches”… These can also be enjoyed at lunch or even dinner time! And, if you are not a fan of traditional breakfast fare, go for something some of the savory options with veggies!

Start with any whole grain “bread” of your choice, toasted

English muffin
sandwich thin
sliced bread

Pick a spread

Your favorite nut butter: peanut butter, almond butter, cashew butter…
Soy, Almond or Coconut yogurt
Silken tofu blended with cinnamon, a splash of maple syrup and citrus zest
Savory choices – hummus, other bean spread or mashed avocado

Layer on the toppings

Berries (of any kind) or sliced fresh fruit: bananas, nectarines, cantaloupe, plums, apples, pears, mango and cinnamon
Veggie options: shredded carrot, cucumber, zucchini, roasted red peppers, tomatoes, pickled red onions, parsley, cilantro, dill …

Cook Smart, Eat Smart Tip: Don’t hesitate to go the savory route with the “Break-wich” and use hummus or other bean spread and shredded carrot and cucumber with halved cherry tomatoes in place of the fruit, and a sprinkle of fresh parsley for a boost of antioxidant power!

Read the newspaper article that mentioned this recipe!


Timaree Hagenburger, a plant-based registered dietitian nutritionist (RDN), certified exercise physiologist with a master’s degree in public health, has over 20 years of experience as a nutrition professor. She is a sought after speaker, media personality and author, who works with private clients, and in corporate wellness, has contributed to several cookbooks and published her own cookbook, The Foodie Bar Way: One Meal, Lots of Options, Everyone’s Happy (www.foodiebars.com)! Timaree is also the founder of an incredible online membership community, The Foodie Bar Way of Life, that makes loving the food (and living a life) that loves us back… simple, satisfying, sustainable AND FUN! You can contact her about working with her through 1:1 dietitian nutrition coaching, for hands-on cooking instruction and to inquire about arranging a speaking engagement.