Last month, we learned how to reduce a large amount of the empty calories that we may be taking in through our beverage choices by opting for flavoring our own water. However, since water has zero antioxidants, is there something that we could add to water to provide...
Choose healthier drinks to avoid extra calories
Are you sabotaging your efforts to lose or maintain your weight with every sip you take? If you find yourself feeling hungry all day long, it might just be what you are drinking. Depending on the beverage, mindless sipping can even contribute to health issues, like...
Chocolate brownie hummus can double as a dessert or snack
A delicious dessert that can double as a snack… protein, fiber and phytonutrients! Oh, my! Scary fact: The #1 source of calories in the American diet is desserts! Yikes! When I learned that statistic, and think about the heavily processed, empty calorie dessert foods...
Add beets to your diet to help keep your heartbeat healthy
When I think about celebrating Valentine's Day next week, beets come to my mind! After all, beet juice was considered an aphrodisiac by the Romans, who used the leaves to cook with and the root as a medicine, as it can protect your heart and blood vessels. Beets have...
A Powerful Tool for Cancer Prevention
On a cold afternoon in a few weeks ago, while I was working at my computer submitting grades for the fall semester, an email from Medscape (WebMD) popped up, with the following title: “Medscape Special Report -Cancer Beats All Other Fields for 2012 New Drug...
A Sweetener that is Good For You?!
On my quest to tweak every part of your diet for the better, to improve the quantity and quality of your years on this planet, it is time to tackle sweeteners! It is probably no surprise that there are neurons in your brain that are programmed to be highly stimulated...
A Pinch of Herbs and Spices for Health
October is recognized as Breast Cancer Awareness month at a national level throughout the country, and nearly all of us have been touched by cancer in a very personal way, thorough loved ones, our colleagues or as one of our own health challenges. No matter our...
Plant a Tree for Nutrition Sake?
Plant a tree campaigns to improve our environment are nothing new, but you might never have considered that planting your own trees could ultimately improve your family's diet and save money. Although there are few things more beneficial to your nutritional status...
Make it Simple and Satisfying From the Start
With summer in our rear view mirrors, and everyone back to school and work, we are all trying to find normal again. It can get a bit overwhelming at times, and some days just seem to be crazy from the get-go. However, when everyone starts the day with a satisfying...
Blended Boost – The Nutrition Professor quoted
Timaree Hagenburger, a registered dietitian, certified exercise physiologist with a master’s degree in public health, is a nutrition professor at Cosumnes River College and sought after speaker. She is so excited about the Plant-Based Nutrition and Sustainable...
Is chipotle bad for you?
Is Chipotle bad for your health? Interview with expert IMG Via Flickr By: ITHP Health | With a large market cap and high earnings Chipotle has the look of another business that has successfully adapted into an increasingly health conscious environment. The company...
Trade in your chips for …
Looking for a delicious and nutritious alternative to chips, or a refreshing salad recipe to serve at a backyard barbecue to "wow" your guests on these hot summer nights? How about both? Jicama to the rescue! If you are not familiar with jicama (pronounced...
Have your had your daily onion?
Dear Timaree: "A friend of mine gave be a bag of onions she bought at a roadside stand, do you have any ideas?" Timaree: Absolutely! Onions are often taken for granted, and certainly don't get the respect they deserve. Those onions were one of the most healthful...
Taking breaks from sitting increases health benefits
Are you an “active couch potato”? While most Americans can benefit from spending more time doing intentional exercise (cardiorespiratory and resistance training), even if you are getting to the gym or out for a brisk walk/jog or run 5-6 times a week, how are you...
Asparagus can be a quick, nutritious snack
As the days get a bit longer, you might perform a master juggling act between baseball, softball and track practices, or just need extra time at night for an after dinner walk. "Go-to" veggies that pack a nutritional punch, are ready in a few minutes, and customizable...
Use Homemade Mouthwash for a Smart Swishing Experience!
Being well aware of the links between oral health and chronic diseases like heart disease, diabetes, cancer and Alzheimer’s, I have been extremely consistent with my regimen of brushing, flossing and finishing with a commercial mouthwash. That is, until a few weeks...
Can IBS patients still eat foods that are high in fiber?
Dear Timaree: My friend has some weight to lose and is not able to eat high fiber foods because she has IBS. What can can she do? Timaree: While Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is the most common reason for a referral to a gastroenterologist, the disorder is still a...
What are some tips to fit exercise into daily routine?
Dear Timaree: I am super busy, but don’t get time to “exercise” very often. Any words of advice? Neglecting your body's need to get physical activity everyday is like ignoring your vehicle's maintenance schedule. You would never expect any car to run well long term...
Kale- All Hype or Nutritional Superhero?
Dear Timaree: It seems like everyone is talking about kale. Is this all hype or is it something that I should start buying? Timaree: Kale will not disappoint, as it is one of the most nutritious foods on the planet! Although many people were only acquainted with kale...
Fueling up for a full day of shopping! The Nutrition Professor quoted!
Timaree Hagenburger, a registered dietitian, certified exercise physiologist with a master’s degree in public health, is a nutrition professor at Cosumnes River College and sought after speaker. She is so excited about the Plant-Based Nutrition and Sustainable...
Walnuts For a Healthy Holiday Season
We need to be thinking about holiday gifts already, so why not pour some local, super nutritious walnuts into mason jars with a list of some of your favorite ways to enjoy them? This easy gift idea is one that you can feel good about giving, as great health is truly...
Water- What will make the difference for you?
One minute you are flying out the door in the morning and the next, it is already 3:30pm and you realize that you haven't had anything to drink since your morning coffee/tea? Our lives get so busy that unless you deliberately plan to stay hydrated, this healthy habit...
Beans are a good nutrition bet – Legumes offer more fiber and protein than any other veggie
Dear Timaree: Which vegetable offers the most protein? What about fiber? Timaree: Easy answer - LEGUMES! These "fruits grown in a pod", a.k.a. beans, split peas and lentils, offer more fiber and protein than any other vegetable and are the only foods which fit into...
Skinny Sipping? The Nutrition Professor quoted
Timaree Hagenburger, a registered dietitian, certified exercise physiologist with a master’s degree in public health, is a nutrition professor at Cosumnes River College and sought after speaker. She is so excited about the Plant-Based Nutrition and Sustainable...
One change that can impact your whole day?
Dear Timaree: I can't believe that school has started already! Do you have any tips to share to help our family enjoy better health as life seems to be busier than ever? If your family is anything like ours, life has been crazy and the start of the school year has...
A Gluten-Free Life – Hagenburger quoted
Timaree Hagenburger, a registered dietitian, certified exercise physiologist with a master’s degree in public health, is a nutrition professor at Cosumnes River College and sought after speaker. She is so excited about the Plant-Based Nutrition and Sustainable...
How healthy is zucchini and what can be done with it?
Dear Timaree: “I have zucchini growing like crazy in my backyard, how good it is for me and what can I do beyond zucchini bread? (It is too hot to turn the oven!)” Although they can be interchangeable in recipes, the three main types of summer squash include zucchini...
White rice vs brown rice… real difference?
Dear Timaree: "I grew up eating 'sticky' white rice and haven't really eaten much brown rice because it seems so 'dry'. I am cooking it wrong? What are the real differences between brown rice and white rice?" Although many of my college students grew up eating white...
How can you lower triglycerides with diet?
Dear Timaree: "My husband has high triglycerides and we are trying to find ways to change his diet to lower them. We eat a lot of pasta and think that may have something to do with it. We are looking for foods that he can eat, that will fill him up and also help lower...
Career Insight – Timaree Hagenburger, Nutrition Professor and Registered Dietitian
Timaree Hagenburger, a registered dietitian, certified exercise physiologist with a master’s degree in public health, is a nutrition professor at Cosumnes River College and sought after speaker. She is so excited about the Plant-Based Nutrition and Sustainable...